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Nominated for the 7th Japan Open Innovation Prize

We are excited to announce that our joint project, "Demonstration  Development of Recycling Technology for Woody Biomass Combustion Ash to Achieve Social Implementation of Ultra-Low Carbon Concrete," led by Professor Koji Takasu at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu with Kyoto University, Nishimatsu Construction, Nippon Eirich and Hibikinada Energy Park LLC, has been nominated for the 7th Japan Open Innovation Prize.

This collaborative effort with universities, manufacturing, construction, and wood biomass power generation companies has led to the development of ultra-low carbon concrete that reduces CO2 emissions by over 60% compared to ordinary concrete.

The new material developed through industry-academia collaboration was highly evaluated for its contribution to CO2 emission reduction, the fact that the technology has been completed to the point where it is ready for social implementation, and the fact that the effect can be quantified and expected to spread in the future.

The announcement of each award and the award ceremony will be held as follows

Date and Time: February 5, 2025  16:00-19:00 (tentative)

Place: Auditorium, 1st floor, Central Government Building No.8

Learn more:
Kitakyushu University Official Website
Cabinet Office Official Website